Understanding and developing your life's purpose.
OK, so understanding and developing your life's purpose is PRETTY BIG! Some of us, who belong to a values-based organisation, might have already explored this concept — most of us probably haven't.
Many of us find delving into understanding our life's purpose quite confronting — that's natural, as our purpose in life underpins how we live our lives, so it can be a bit challenging to think about these ideas and how they impact our daily lives. However, while this topic is PRETTY BIG, you can take small bites at it.
This purpose helps you to get ahead, achieve and maximise your performance. At Marcus Minds we recognise that our life's purpose underpins our self-awareness and how we put that into practice. It all starts with a purpose.
Areas to focus on to assist finding meaning and purpose.
Above is a set of key focus areas that can be used to drive purpose and meaning in life. Each focus area provides an introduction to help understand its importance and value, then presents a list of highly engaging resources in various audio and visual forms you can listen to, read and watch at leisure.
The provision of these resources is where the Marcus Minds Project can be of enormous value to those seeking advice on how to find purpose, as all the sifting has been done when it comes to providing content that can be engaged with and can support the challenge of finding purpose in life.

Finding Purpose
For decades, psychologists have studied how long-term, meaningful goals develop over the span of our lives. The goals that foster a sense of purpose are ones that can potentially change the lives of other people, like launching an organisation, researching disease, or teaching kids to read.
Indeed, a sense of purpose appears to have evolved in humans so that we can accomplish big things together — which may be why it’s associated with better physical and mental health. Purpose is adaptive, in an evolutionary sense. It helps both individuals and the species to survive. We can hold purpose for life and work separately but by being intricately related we are better hope of moving towards that ideal.
AUS Active

What is Your Purpose in Life? | 0-100
Key take aways
Self-Reflection: Engage in introspection to identify personal values, strengths, and interests. See how these align across your personal and professional life.
Meaningful Goals: Set clear, meaningful objectives aligned with your values and talents. Goals should be short term and longer term, both focussed on personal and professional objectives. Create stepping stones to reach them.
Bring Others Along: Explore how your skills can contribute positively to others in your family, community and industry. Bringing others with you on your journey is self-fulfilling and potential growth so much more expansive.
Stay Relaxed and Adaptable: Remain open to new experiences and be willing to adjust your purpose as circumstances evolve. Any plan should have wiggle room to adapt and your purpose is no different. Be committed to your direction but not attached to it should things need to change.
Resilience: Embrace setbacks as opportunities for growth and continue pursuing your purpose with determination.
Community Connection: Seek support and collaboration with like-minded individuals or groups to foster a sense of belonging and shared purpose.
Important Videos
How to find your mojo
Mojo Crowe
Life on Purpose – Victor Strecher
Tedx Talk
Ash Barty Mindset and Ben Crowe:
ABC News In-depth
Man's Search For Meaning – Viktor Frankl
Productivity Game

Importance of Purpose
Having a clear purpose serves as a guiding light, providing direction and motivation in both personal and professional realms. It fosters a sense of fulfillment, enhances resilience during challenges, and fuels long-term commitment to goals.
In business, a strong purpose cultivates employee engagement, customer loyalty, and sustainable growth, contributing to a sense of meaningful contribution to society. People who feel they live meaningful lives have stronger personal relationships, fewer health problems, improved mental health and overall healthier lifestyles. Conversely, when we lack a sense of purpose, we can feel stuck, or stagnant – which can lead us to feel depressed or anxious, unmotivated and generally dissatisfied with our situation.
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How to Find Your Purpose
Key take aways
Purpose fuels intrinsic motivation, enhancing commitment and perseverance in pursuing goals. Taking action towards them.
A strong purpose fosters resilience, enabling individuals to bounce back from setbacks and stay focused on long-term objectives.
Having a purpose provides a clear direction, guiding decision-making and prioritisation of tasks and activities.
A sense of purpose fosters personal fulfillment and a deeper sense of satisfaction in one's actions and achievements.
Purpose-driven actions often lead to significant positive impacts, inspiring others and contributing to a greater good in the community and the world at large.
Important Videos
Can A Stoic Be Ambitious? Ryan Holiday
Daily Stoic
Michael Gervais on the Path to Excellence and Finding Purpose
Daily Stoic
Should you live for your résumé or your eulogy? David Brooks

“Having meaningful goals, no matter how trivial, is what motivates you.”
Tim McGavin. Marcus Minds sponsor.

Most people want to change at least one thing in their life. But it can be challenging to find the motivation just to make a start. It helps to understand what motivation means to you so you can find your own ways to get motivated.
Motivation is the drive to achieve your goals or needs. It is influenced by how much you want the goal, what you will gain, your personal expectations. It is also critical for motivation to pursue goals is what can be done for others or how can this benefit my family or community through my actions.
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GET IT DONE - Best Motivational Speech Video (Joe Rogan Motivation)
Key take aways
Establish clear, achievable short-term and long-term goals to provide a tangible target for your efforts. It is critical these are realistically attainable.
Use positive self-talk and affirmations to foster a resilient and determined mindset, reinforcing the belief in your abilities.
Create a reward system to celebrate milestones and successes, reinforcing the positive outcomes of your efforts.
Visualize successful outcomes and the benefits of achieving your goals to strengthen your motivation and determination.
Partner with someone who can hold you accountable, providing support and encouragement during challenging times.
Engage in continuous learning and skill development, nurturing a sense of progress and competence, which fuels intrinsic motivation.
Important Videos
DON'T QUIT - Tom Brady
What motivates us
Do the work

Identity, Intention & Action
Without motivation we often get stuck between good intentions and taking action. The intent-action gap is basically about people saying they'll do something but then not getting around to actually doing it. It's like when you plan to hit the gym but end up binge-watching TV instead. This happens because of things like procrastination, peer pressure, and the environment you're in.
AUS Active

Olivier Oullier -The gap between intention and action
"Every action you take is a vote for the person you wish to become."
James Clear
Key take aways
Set specific, achievable goals based on who you’d like to be and why
Create a supportive environment that encourages action.
Use reminders or cues to prompt desired behavior.
Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps.
Foster self-discipline and motivation through rewards and positive reinforcement.
Understand intention versus intentionality. The intent for action as opposed to the meaning behind taking action based on a series of intentions. The true meaning behind why you are doing what you propose to do.
Important Videos
Focus on this – James Clear
How to set your identity statement - Jame Clear

Roll on to the other 'tractor wheels'
Congratulations on working through the Purpose focus area The Marcus Minds 'Tractor Wheel'. Remember, these resources are not going anywhere. Feel free to return to them time and time again, especially should a moment in life present that needs more clarity or extra guidance.
Here are four more areas that can support a healthier, wealthier, happier and wiser rural lifestyle.
Click any of the 'tractor wheels' above to learn how to better manage the ins and outs of rural life, work and living based on each topic. These insights can assist to get people rolling in a better direction, avoid getting bogged and steer towards greater wellbeing and emotional intelligence.